Back in the old days it was different. You might work for 30 years and then get a retirement party and a watch along with your pension. More than likely, your healthcare was provided by the retiree insurance plan that your company carried or maybe even by a union.
But the true highlight of retirement was the fact that you could pay off your mortgage and live out your golden years free from debt.
That might have been how your parents did things but the fact of the matter is that times have changed and it isn't likely that we will be doing that. Nowadays pension plans have been replaced by the 401(k) that is funded by you as opposed to being company sponsored. Additionally, there are very few companies that still carry health insurance for the people who have retired and even the ones that still do are scaling back in a big way.
What About Your Mortgage?
In today's economy, more and more people are heading into retirement with massive amounts of debt – a major part of which is from a mortgage. Today quite a few people go into retirement with their toronto mortgage broker s still needing to be paid, according to Wells Fargo. In fact, according to The Demand Institute, the Baby Boomer generation is facing retirement with considerably more mortgage debt when compared to earlier generations. Additionally, about 40% of them were planning to make some major home improvements which would actually lead to an increase in mortgage debt. Some other findings from that study (which included a survey of over 4,000 Baby Boomers) were:
- While you might think that in retirement you can downsize to a smaller home, many Baby Boomers are planning to look for larger, nicer homes to purchase in retirement. In fact, 45% of those looking to move when they retire are looking for larger homes and 56% of those will plan to take out a brand new mortgage for these larger homes.
- In the meantime Baby Boomers who are currently homeowners are still in debt for those houses. In fact, since 1992 the average outstanding balance on a mortgage for those of retirement age has grown a massive 142%
The big question though is this: Is paying off your mortgage when you retire going to be a feasible option?
The answer is not so clear. For some people who have worked hard and saved throughout their life, paying off their mortgage might be something that is a wise thing to do. They are able to afford it, so why not?
For others who may have had things come up that incurred more expenses, they may not be able to afford to pay off their mortgage and still live a comfortable life in retirement.
In reality, this is a purely personal decision and it will be based on the lifestyle you want to live as well as what your financial situation is. If you are facing this time of life and these choices, you might benefit from a conference or two with a financial planner who can fully explain all of the feasible options for you.