Between 2000-2018 there have been 277 active shooter incidents.
When you go to the movies and it’s not uncommon to check where the exit signs are. You look around and wonder, are you safe? For some, it ends there but for others, a high level of anxiety starts to build and CBD can help with that.
At work, a disgruntled employee walks in and starts blasting people. Or you send your child to his kindergarten class and wonder if someone is going to go postal on the elementary school.
CBD for depression would have been a possible solution to mitigate the desperation this individual may have felt.
No wonder the rise in social anxiety disorder is prevalent in the United States. Shockingly, these incidents aren’t the only reason why Americans are suffering from anxiety and depression.
It is, however, the most common mental illness in the US, affecting 40 million adults age 18 and older.
Of those 40 million, only 36.7% that are suffering receive treatment. It’s not uncommon for someone with anxiety to also suffer from depression and vice versa.
Don’t for one hot minute think that kids are safe from anxiety. It’s been reported that 25.1% of children between the ages of 13 to 18 suffer from anxiety.
Left untreated, these kids are at higher risk of performing poorly in school, more susceptible to substance abuse and miss out on social experiences.
According to the World Health Organization, globally, 300 million people suffer from some sort of anxiety disorder. Anxiety is higher in wealthier economies and Millenials are the most anxious generation.
CBD vs Prescription Medication
So what’s the solution? Sure you can go to your doctor and have him prescribe one of many anxiety medications like Zoloft ($358.77 for a 30 day supply), Lexapro ($1,155 for 100 tablets), or Prozac ($1,616 for 100 tablets).
If you have health insurance then you’ll pay a fraction of that cost but what if you don’t have insurance? What about the long term side effects that these medications leave you with?
Anxiety is a crippling disorder that takes over your day, week, months or years. You fear everything for no particular reason.
It causes an insane amount of stress and doesn’t allow you to function normally. Basically, it sucks.
How CBD Can Help You Treat Mild to Severe Anxiety
There are other options for those suffering from anxiety or depression. CBD HEMP OIL TINCTURE 300MG for anxiety is a great alternative to mainstream medications.
In pre-clinical trials, cannabidiol CBD is a great treatment for anxiety.
CBD comes from cannabis plants and helps regulate mood, appetite, and pain receptors in the endocannabinoid system. There are no psychoactive effects from CBD. That can only come from CBDs bestie, THC.
CBD for anxiety will uplift your mood, reduce stress and anxiety by activating the serotonin levels which gives you that necessary spirit-boost.
Besides Epidiolex, CBD is not FDA approved, but there’s a myriad of anecdotal evidence that suggests reduced anxiety by patients consuming CBD.
Health Benefits of CBD That Will Help You Treat Depression
CBD has treated a vast number of ailments from chronic pain, to epilepsy, arthritis, nausea, and insomnia. In addition to treating those conditions, it’s also great at treating depression.
Depression is a disorder that plague millions of Americans. You lose interest in activities, engaging with others and the feeling of sadness consumes your life.
Medical marijuana has helped numerous people with this disorder.
Studies on CBD for depression have shown positive results in animal models exhibiting symptoms of depression by promoting positive effects on the serotonin receptors in the brain.
Serotonin impacts the various functions in your body, your emotional state, and your well-being.
CBD acts as an anti-depressant without the severe side effects that you get from traditional anti-depressants, like blurred vision, constipation, and agitation.
If you experience any side effects from CBD oil it might be dry mouth, drowsiness, or hunger.
We do recommend that you consult with your physician if you are taking other medication to make sure that you’re CBD intake won’t interfere with your current medication.
CBD for Other Neurological Disorders
CBD is known to aid relief to many neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s, Autism, headaches, and migraines.
Which can be taxing, not only on the person with the disorder but caretakers as well.
Fortunately, CBD will bring comfort and support to those in need.
There are cases where CBD has been more effective at treating autism symptoms than prescription medication.
In regards to treating Parkinson’s Disease, there have been multiple small studies indicating.
CBD has been able to alleviate several symptoms of the disease such as psychosis, lack of sleep, tremors, and pain, ultimately giving these patients a better quality of life.
We know that there are limited studies around the hemp plant and its components. We also know that there are various patients that swear by the medicinal benefits of the plant.
With all the information out there its no surprise that CBD can work for those that suffer headaches and migraines.
Due to the pain and inflammation relieving benefits of the cannabis plant.
How to Find Your CBD Dosage?
If you’ve decided to explore CBD as a substitute option for prescription medications you’re probably wondering how to go about finding the right dosage.
There isn’t a “right” dosage for any one individual. Products purchased through a reputable brand will have labeling on the package so you know the overall potency of the product. It’s up to you to determine the right dosage for you.
Depending on the type of product you get, CBD oil tincture, let’s say a CBD gel capsule will have different potencies.
Make sure you read the label and how much mg is in the dropper or the gel capsule.
If you’re going to go with a tincture, ingest one to two drops at first, see if the pain has subsided and if not, take one to two more drops or as many as you need to relieve the pain.
Tinctures will have an effect soon after you’ve ingested the product sublingually because it’s absorbed in the bloodstream faster than a gel capsule.
CBD products are safer and more effective than some FDA approved medication, they’re a great way of providing fast relief without the outrageous price tag.