Since its creation in 2024, many Escorts sex workers and supporters around the world have celebrated the day. This international event draws attention to the rights that Escorts sex workers want… and who better to tell us that than Escorts sex workers? Irish Jezebel shares her thoughts on Escorts sex worker rights:
"I've been working in the erotic industry on and off since I was 17 – I won't say how old, but it's been a long time. I started as a girl before I knew how much I loved swinging on a pole for money and accolades, and it took me all over the world. I've met some truly unique people along the way, and I'm grateful for that.
I've grown, and my attitude has changed in ways that I would call very positive. I can't imagine who I'd be if I hadn't lived the life I have now. I've gained a unique and humbling insight into humanity, seeing its beauty and fragility. People often ask me if my job makes me dislike men, but it's not true. I defend her as much as I defend women in the industry. How can anyone tell a person with a disability that they can't afford Escorts sex services nor have their basic needs met? How can they criminalize this? How can people be so ignorant and brand men who use professional Escorts sex services as bad husbands and fathers? They're not. For example, several clients have dedicated their entire lives to caring for their disabled wives. Unfortunately, they are unable to be physically intimate. Who can judge this man whose needs have been met? Every situation is different, and I do not usually handle it or anyone else's to judge a man's private life or whether he seeks out a service provider.
And that brings us to the women in this industry!
I love this job and cherish the experiences I have had. I probably would have to write a book to cover all this fun stuff so I won't get into it now, but here is what I will cover. As escorts and sex workers, we are entirely shunned by society and even by our families. The prejudice is so great that the discrimination we suffer, the hate crimes, and outright crimes committed against us are not only ignored but entirely accepted. I would go further and say that the prevailing attitude towards crimes against Escorts sex workers is that we deserve it; it is victim blaming at its worst, and that needs to change. Abuse against women should not be tolerated in any form, whether it be a rape victim who happens to be drunk in a miniskirt, a stalker victim accused of being out after midnight in India (does anyone remember that story?), or an Escorts sex worker.